WONCA APR starts the new version of Asia Pacific Family Medicine journal!
The WONCA Asia Pacific Region has now restarted the Asia Pacific Family Medicine journal (APFMJ). This journal is currently indexed at: Scopus, CAB Abstracts, CrossRef, DOAJ, Global Health, and PubMed Central. The journal was previously published by Biomedcentral. However, from June 2019, APFMJ is now published under the Universitas Gadjah Mada online journal system.
All APFMJ policies and guides for authors and reviewers remain the same, except that now we apply free article processing for accepted manuscripts. Further information on how to submit your manuscripts to this journal, and for online submission can be found on the WONCA website.
WONCA Rural Health Conference: Abstract deadline extended
Our colleagues in Dhaka, Bangladesh, have advised us that the deadline for abstracts has been EXTENDED to Saturday 15th February.
Super early bird registration has ended but early bird registration is available until the end of February. Donations to help others to attend the conference remain at super early bird rates. Please support at https://acrrm.eventsair.com/wrhc20/donation
Donald Li on the Coronavirus: first in, last out.
With the increasing and ongoing concern of the novel coronavirus outbreak, Dr Donald Li, WONCA president, has written a message regarding the important role of family doctors and primary healthcare in Disaster / Emergency preparedness and response.
WHO: Occupational safety and health in public health emergencies: a manual for protecting health workers and responders
WHO, in collaboration with ILO, has produced a manual which provides an overview of the main OSH risks faced by emergency responders during disease outbreaks and other emergencies, such as natural disasters, chemical incidents, radiological emergencies and emergencies involving conflicts. This is to assist organizations and workplaces to better prepare and respond to these events. The manual, which is particularly focused on needs in low-resource settings, provides technical guidance on good practices and procedures in establishing systems that can: reduce occupational exposures, injury, illness and death among response workers; decrease stress and reduce fears; and promote the health and well-being of health-care and other response workers.
Sponsored Link – PCI GP Update 5-Day Global Programme: 15-19 June 2020 in Oxford
Specially designed for family medicine doctors practicing outside the UK, this comprehensive 5-day course provides the renowned Red Whale GP Update overview of all the latest evidence-based updates in primary care – plus extended sessions on a variety of topics. Enjoy 30 hours of pragmatic and interactive learning alongside peers from around the world and get to explore the historical university city of Oxford. The course is accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). All proceeds go to support primary care health workers and systems in resource poor settings. Further details are at