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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Gyermekdiabetes
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    ISPAD Science School for Physicians
    2016.04.11. | MDT Web-szerkesztőség | Hírkategória: Gyermekdiabetes
    Dear ISPAD Members & Friends, 

    It is our pleasure to inform you that applications for ISPAD's Science School for Physicians 2016 are now open.

    Dates: September 25-30, 2016
    Location: Jevnaker, Norway
    Application deadline: April 23, 2016

    Convener of this science school is Lars Krogvold, and it will be held in Jevnaker, a village close to Oslo.

    We invite physicians who are currently receiving pediatric endocrine/diabetes training or those undergoing early career developments in diabetes investigation from around the globe. This program is aimed at enhancing trainees’ performance of research in pediatric diabetes in order to advance care, find cures, and offer prevention for youth affected by diabetes worldwide. The course will enable attendees to enhance their knowledge in the principles of research methodology, including basic/laboratory and clinical/translational approaches used in diabetes-related research.

    Membership in ISPAD is a requirement; members who have previously attended an ISPAD Science/Research School for Physicians are not eligible to apply. The aim to keep working on diabetes and working in a second or third referral pediatric diabetes centers are encouraged.
     The 5 day program will consist of lectures on study design, statistical analysis and presentation of research findings. In addition, there will be plenary lectures by experts in key areas of basic, clinical, and translational diabetes research, including many world-renowned faculty members from the Italy, Europe and overseas.
