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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Események
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    The World Congress of Clinical Lipidology
    2012.07.25. | MDT Web-szerkesztőség | Hírkategória: Események
    On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am delighted to advise you that The World Congress of Clinical Lipidology will take place in Budapest, Hungary from 6-8 December, 2012.

    This congress will provide an extensive insight into clinical lipidology from diagnosis to treatment. The focus will not only be on lipid lowering compounds, but also lifestyle, diet and extracorporeal therapies that will be presented as plenary lectures and workshops.

    Key topics to include:
    1.   Lifestyle and Diet
    2.   Lipid lowering compounds
    3.   Novel Therapies
    4.   Classification of Dyslipidemias
    5.   Detection of Dyslipidemias
    6.   Familal Hypercholesterolemia
    7.   Other Genetic Dyslipidemias
    8.   High Density Lipoprotein,
    9.   Triglycerides,
    10. Lipoprotein (a)
    11. Lipid Lowering (LL) Guidelines
    12. Statin Resistance/Intolerance
    13. Lipid Control in DM and Metabolic Syndrome
    14. Apheresis
    15. Different Apheresis Methods
    16. Cost and Reimbursement
    17. Diet and Nutraceuticals
    18. Novel Lipid Lowering Therapies
    19. Apolipoprotein B Therapies
    20. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Therapies

    More information about the congress >>
