Megjelent az ADA új ajánlása, amely Társaságunk weboldalán az Irányelvek, ajánlások menüpontban található.
Clinical Practice Recommendations (ADA Diabetes Care, January 2012, Volume 35, Supplement 1)
- Summary of Revisions for the 2012 Clinical Practice Recommendations
- Executive Summary: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes - 2012
- Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes - 2012
- Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
- Diabetes Management at Camps for Children With Diabetes
- Diabetes care in the School and Day Care Setting
- Diabetes and Driving
- Diabetes Management in Correctional Institutions
- Diabetes and Employment
- Third-Party Reimbursement for Diabetes Care, Self-Management Education, and Supplies
Irányelvek, ajánlások menüpont közvetlen megtekinthető >>