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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: IDF Híradó
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    IDF Europe Prizes Diabetes 2016 - Call for Applications | Young Researcher | Deadline for applications: 20 September 2016
    2016.09.01. | IDF Híradó | Hírkategória: IDF Híradó
    Dear Friends
    Since 2012, IDF Europe has been organising annual diabetes Awards recognising excellence, innovation, dedication and commitment to diabetes.

    These Awards aim at increasing awareness about diabetes and recognising outstanding individuals and organisations who have dedicated themselves to improving the lives of people with diabetes.
    As in previous years, in 2016, the IDF Europe Prizes in diabetes will be awarded to:
    - A young researcher under 40 years of age working in the field of diabetes research and the broader field of diabetes advocacy, education, prevention, care and management. (attached Call and Nomination form)
    - An association/institution for its long-standing achievement to support the life of people with diabetes in their respective country and to prevent unnecessary cases.
    This prize is financially supported by Eli Lilly.

    This year, as previously announced, IDF Europe will also be awarding a 3rd Prize in the category of Media, focusing on Social Media.

    The Award ceremony for the prizes will take place during IDF Europe's Regional Council (25-27 November in Lisbon, Portugal).

    Please do not hesitate to circulate this information to your network and help us identifying young researchers in diabetes.

    Deadline for applications: 20 September 2016

    For more information, please visit our website www.idf-europe.org/diabetes-award or contact us at prizes@idf-europe.org

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