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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Tudósítás rendezvényekről
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Elkezdődött Münchenben az 52. EASD Kongresszus
    2016.09.13. | MDT Web-szerkesztőség | Hírkategória: Tudósítás rendezvényekről

    A megnyitót a korábbi években megszokott módon a Claude Bernard emlékelőadás követte, szám szerint a 48. A hagyományosan magas színvonalat idén Professzor M.E. Cooper (Ausztrália) előadása biztosította, melynek címe Uncomplicating diabetes: interactions between metabolic and haemodynamic signalling pathways in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications.

    A Kongresszuson 12 magyar szerző, illetve társszerző munkásságát hallgathatják a résztvevők.

    T. Bailey, R. Takács, F.J. Tinahones, P.V. Rao, G.M. Tsoukas, S.B. Christensen, M.S. Kaltoft, M. Maislos (USA, Hungary, Spain, India, Canada, Denmark, Israel): Switching from sitagliptin to liraglutide in subjects with type 2 diabetes: analysis of composite endpoints from the LIRA-SWITCH randomised trial Tuesday, 13 September 10:15 - 11:45  Minkowski Hall

    A. Kun, J. Tornoczky, Z. Sudar, Z. Kerenyi, A.G. Tabak
    (Hungary, UK): Pregnancy outcomes of women with gestational diabetes based on the WHO 2013 and the NICE 2015 diagnostic criteria Wednesday, 14 September 10:15 - 11:45 Meyerhof Hall    

    P. Pozzilli, P. Norwood, E. Jodar, M. Davies, T. Ivanyi, H. Jiang, B. Woodward, Z. Milicevic (Italy, USA, Spain, UK, Hungary, Austria): Improved glycaemic control and weight loss with once weekly dulaglutide versus placebo, both added to titrated daily insulin glargine in type 2 diabetes patients (AWARD-9) Thursday, 15 September 10:15 - 11:45 Minkowski Hall    

    A. Lukács, A. Török, L. Barkai (Hungary): Generic and disease-specific quality of life in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: comparison to age-matched healthy peers Friday, 16 September 09:45 - 10:45 Meyerhof Hall    



    A.G. Tabák, A. Hulmán, E.J. Brunner, D.R. Witte, T.N. Akbaraly, M. Kivimaki (Hungary, UK, Denmark, France): Aging trajectories of obesity and body composition in south Asians and whites: a longitudinal analysis from the Whitehall II study Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:15 - 14:15 – PS 002 Does body shape and size matter?  

    E. Sipter, G. Varga, A. Hóbor, L. Barkai, G. Mikala, T. Masszi, N. Hosszúfalusi (Hungary): The impact of diabetes and antidiabetic treatment on the survival of patients with multiple myeloma Poster Event F, Thursday, 13:15 - 14:15 – PS 042 Cancer in diabetes    

    V. Vass, V. Horvath, B. Domjan, V. Ferencz, P. Kempler, T. Tänczer, Z. Szili Janicsek, L. Beranek, Z. Putz, A. Tabak (Hungary, UK): The association between hypoglycaemic events and ventricular arrhythmias in type 1 diabetes Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:15 - 14:15 – PS 080 Hypoglycaemia: the down side    

    S.B. Harris, G. Kocsis, R. Prager, T. Ridge, K. Chandarana, N. Halladin, S. Jabbour (Canada, Hungary, Austria, USA, Denmark): Safety and efficacy of IDegLira titrated once weekly (1W) vs twice weekly (2W) in patients with type 2 diabetes uncontrolled on oral antidiabetic drugs: DUAL VI study Poster Event E, Thursday, 12:00 - 13:00 – PS 089 Basal insulin studies    

    Z. Szili-Janicsek, T. Tänczer, B. Domján, E. Szabó, V. Ferencz, Z. Kerényi, A. Péterfai, V. Vass, Á. Tabák Gy (Hungary, UK): The effect of maternal weight gain before the diagnostic OGTT on the risk of gestational diabetes Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:15 - 14:15 – PS 092 Gestational diabetes: screening and predictors    

    K. Rosta, Z. Al-Aissa, O. Hadarits, J. Harreiter, Á. Nádasdi, D. Bancher-Todesca, Z. Komlósi, L. Németh, I. Sziller, J. Rigó Jr, A. Somogyi, A. Kautzky-Willer, G. Firneisz (Austria, Hungary): Association study of 77 single nucleotide gene polymorphisms with gestational diabetes and with the fasting and post-challenge glucose levels in pregnancy Poster Event C, Wednesday, 12:00 - 13:00 – PS 093 Gestational diabetes: biomarkers and predictors    

    O. Vági, A. Körei, Z. Putz, I. Istenes, N. Hajdú, F. Tótok, A. Nagy, P. Kempler (Hungary): Impaired cardiovascular autonomic function and diminished vibration perception are present among patients with higher future type 2 diabetes risk screened by FINDRISC questionnaire Poster Event E, Thursday, 12:00 - 13:00 – PS 095 Autonomic neuropathy: assessment and treatment    

    T.T. Várkonyi, S. Nyiraty, S. Coluzzi, K. Fehértemplomi, F. Pesei, A. Orosz, C. Lengyel, S. Frontoni, P. Kempler, G. Ábrahám (Hungary, Italy): Long-term follow-up of autonomic function in type 1 diabetic patients on insulin pump treatment Poster Event F, Thursday, 13:15 - 14:15 – PS 096 Autonomic function tests and risk
