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Magyar Diabetes Társaság

hungarian diabetes association

diabet partneri hirek

Társasági hírek

Hírkategória: Tudósítás rendezvényekről
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    Elkezdődött az EASD 55. Kongresszusa Barcelonában
    2019.09.17. | MDT Web-szerkesztőség | Hírkategória: Tudósítás rendezvényekről

    A megnyitót és az elnöki köszöntőt az 51. Claude Bernard emlékelőadás követte, idén Steven Kahn professzor (USA) Unravelling beta cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: from the unpredicted to the unknown című előadását kiemelt érdeklődés övezte.

    Az EASD 55. Kongresszusán 12 magyar szerző eredeti tudományos munkáját hallhatják, olvashatják a résztvevők, valamint 5 szekcióban üléselnöki feladatokat is ellátnak.

    EASD 2019 - Barcelona


    Lenart, D.B. Balogh, J. Hodrea, A. Barczi, A. Molnar, A. Hosszu, T. Lakat, L. Wagner, A.J. Szabo, A. Denes, A. Fekete (Hungary): RAAS blockers reduce neuroinflammation in diabetes comorbid depression (138)
    Wednesday, 18 September 14:30–16:00 Trueta Hall

    Szabo, M.M. Svebis, V.J. Horvath, T. Tänczer, B.A. Domjan, J. Tornoczky, Kerenyi, A. Kun, A.G. Tabak (Hungary, UK): Does interpregnancy BMI change predict gestational diabetes in subsequent pregnancy? Population-based cohort study (152)
    Thursday, 19 September 10:15–11:45 Vilanova Hall



    L.J. Barkai, E. Sipter, D. Csuka, T. Baló, K. Lukács, M. Kempler, P. Pánczél, K. Pilely, P. Garred, Z. Prohászka, N. Hosszúfalusi (Hungary, Denmark): Complement activation is impaired in patients with type 2 diabetes during bacterial infections (384)
    Poster Event A, Tuesday, 12:00–13:00 – PS 013 Infections and pancreatitis in diabetes

    Kun, J. Tornóczky, E. Szabó, A.G. Tabak (Hungary, UK): Comparison of the WHO 2013 and the NICE 2015 gestational diabetes diagnostic criteria (from an obstetrician’s point of view) (930)
    Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:15–14:15 – PS 074 Pregnancy management

    M.M. Svebis, B.A. Domjan, A. Körei, Z. Szili-Janicsek, V. Vass, P. Dhunnoo, B. Marki, V.J. Horvath, A.G. Tabak (Hungary): The effect of diabetic sensory peripheral neuropathy on mortality: a meta-analysis (980)
    Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:15–14:15 – PS 080 Clinical implications of peripheral neuropathy

    D.B. Balogh, J. Hodrea, L. Lenart, A. Hosszu, C. Mezei, T. Lakat, L. Wagner, A.J. Szabo, A. Fekete (Hungary): SGLT2 inhibitors are renoprotective via minimising tubular hypoxia and protein O-GlcNAcylation (1003)
    Poster Event D, Wednesday, 13:15–14:15 – PS 082 Promising therapeutic options for diabetic kidney disease

    E.P. Vamos, R. Palladino, A.G. Tabak, J. Valabhji, K. Khunti, A. Majeed, C. Millett (UK, Italy, Hungary): Association of non-diabetic hyperglycaemia and microvascular and macrovascular complications of type 2 diabetes: a retrospective cohort study (1030)
    Poster Event A, Tuesday, 12:00–13:00 – PS 085 Diabetic retinopathy in observational studies

    Nadasdi, V. Gál, K. Rosta, J. Harreiter, A. Kautzky-Willer, A. Somogyi, G. Firneisz (Hungary, Austria): Negative correlation between the early glucagon response and intrahepatic content of lipid (IHCL) in individuals with PNPLA3 rs738409 CCgenotype (1082)
    Poster Event A, Tuesday, 12:00–13:00 – PS 091 NAFLD: diagnosis and metabolic factors

    Káplár, Z. Képes, M. Emri, M. Mikó, J. Varga, S. Somodi, R. Esze, L. Rajnai, I. Garai (Hungary): Alteration of cerebral and peripheral microcirculation in type 2 diabetes and obesity (1086)
    Poster Event B, Tuesday, 13:15–14:15 – PS 092 Bones and microvascular disease


    Tudományos szimpóziumok:

    Á. Tabák (Hungary): Long-term consequences of GDM
    Wednesday, 18 September 14:30–16:30 Hall 4.2 – DPSG Symposium

    Kempler (Hungary): Welcome and introduction: Should diabetic neuropathy be considered as an early and severe complication?
    Thursday, 19 September 9:30–11:30 Hall 4.2 – Neurodiab Symposium

    Horváth (Hungary): The effect of autonomic and sensory neuropathy on all-cause mortality - a 20 year long retrospective cohort study
    Thursday, 19 September 9:30–11:30 Hall 4.2 – Neurodiab Symposium



    Á. Tabák (Hungary)
    Poster Event B 074 Pregnancy management
    Tuesday 13:15-14:15

    Várkonyi (Hungary)
    Oral presentations 17 Are we making progress in diabetic neuropathy?
    Wednesday 10:15-11:45

    Kempler (Hungary)
    Poster Event D 100 Treatment of cardiovascular disease
    Wednesday, 13:15 - 14:15

    Kempler (Hungary)
    NEURODIAB Symposium
    Thursday, 9:30 - 11:30

    Á. Tabák (Hungary)
    Oral presenations 26 Gestational diabetes: novel biomarkers and consequences
    Thursday 10:15-11:45
