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Az MGYNT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
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    Ashwal professzor szerkesztésében könyv jelent meg a gyermekneurológia kialakulásának történetéről
    [2021.12.03.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear EPNS Members,

    I am very happy to announce that ‘CHILD NEUROLOGY: ITS ORIGINS, FOUNDERS, GROWTH AND EVOLUTION’ has recently been published and is now available for purchase.

    In 1990, the ‘Founders of Child Neurology’, the first book dedicated to the history of Child Neurology, was published. It contained an introduction and 5 sections covering the time periods from before 1800 to ~1940 as well as 124 bio sketches. It was recently decided to publish an updated version in time for the 50th Anniversary of the Child Neurology Society and was introduced at the recent CNS Boston meeting in October. The new edition contains all the contents of the 1990 edition plus a new section covering the time period from 1960 to 2000+ which contains 14 overviews of different specialty areas as well as additional biographical sketches of 138 new founders from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Scandinavia and many other countries, representing individuals who have made incredible contributions to how child neurology has grown and evolved. The CNS, EPNS and ICNA decided that this history of our field was extremely important to disseminate to those who are in or will be joining the field of child neurology to learn about its roots and heritage. Accordingly, the book which is over 1000 pages (and which weighs ~5+ kg) is being offered to the members of the three societies at a discounted rate.

    The book is being offered at a 40% discount to all members of the CNS, as well as to members of the EPNS and ICNA. There also is the option of buying the print and/or the e-version of the book at various price points. Elsevier (the publisher) does have an international distribution system. If you go to the Elsevier website: Child Neurology - 2nd Edition (elsevier.com) you can purchase what you would like. If you just want to buy the print version, you can use the PROMO CODE FOR A 40% DISCOUNT: cns40.

    (a) Just so you know (as the website is a bit confusing), if you decide to purchase the print and e-versions, Elsevier is offering a 50% price reduction ($200 instead of $400) whereas if you order either the print or the e-version, Elsevier will give a 15% reduction ($170 instead of $200). For those who just want a print or e-version of the book, the CNS promotion option is better—and you should use the promotion code (cns40)
    (b) If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I also would greatly appreciate any comments about the book.

    Website: Child Neurology - 2nd Edition (elsevier.com)
    ISBN - Print ISBN: 9780128216354/eISBN: 9780323858151
    Promo code for 40% discount: cns40
