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Az MGYNT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Az EPNS legfrissebb hírlevelében tájékoztat a soron következő tudományos ülésekről, a tagdíjfizetésről és az új tagok belépési lehetőségéről
    [2013.11.20.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    1. Payment of 2014 fees
    As you will recall, Professor Florian Heinen, our Treasurer, was delighted to announce in October’s monthly update that subscription fees for 2014 will remain the same as this year. Details of how to pay your 2014 annual subscription fee will be emailed to you next month.

    2. EPNS Training Courses 2014
    Sarajevo, Bosnia, 19-22 May 2014:
    Neuromuscular disorders – Faculty headed by Imelda Hughes - Manchester
    Neonatology, neonatal screening, metabolic diseases with neonatal onset, congenital malformations, neurocutaneous syndromes and prenatal diagnosis – Faculty headed by Luca Ramenghi, Genova
    Please mark in your diaries. Registration details available soon

    3. Some important EPNS meeting dates for your diaries:
    • Joint meeting between EPNS and the Spanish Paediatric Neurology Society (SENEP), Palma de Mallorca, Spain - 12-13 June 2014 http://www.senep.es/index.php/proximas

    • EPNS 2014 Research Meeting – 11-14 September 2014 - Bucharest, Romania

    • 11th EPNS Congress 2015 - 27-30 May 2015 - Vienna, Austria

    4. !Election of the new board!
    By now all ordinary members should have received an email which was sent on 5 November from the Electoral Reform Services who are administering the 2013 Board Elections on our behalf. This email gave instructions on how to cast your vote (which is by internet only) via www.votebyinternet.com/EPNS2013 and your two-part Security Code, which you need to be able to vote.
    The ballot is open 24 hours a day and closes at 5pm on Friday 22 November 2013. Please ensure you cast your vote by that time so it can be included in the election.
    We are aware of a few of occasions where the voting email been directed to a member’s spam folder. If you have not received the email from the Electoral Reform Services, please check your spam folder. Thank you.

    5. Free copy of ‘Principles and practice of child neurology in infancy’
    We have been lucky to increase our stock of the publication ‘Principles and practice of child neurology in infancy’ (Kennedy C (Ed.), Mac Keith Press, London, November 2012, recommended retail price £29.95 or €37.44). So we are pleased to continue to offer new and existing members (who have paid their current year fee) a free copy. Postage and packing costs is a very reasonable 6 EUR for all destinations. This fee can be paid via our website http://www.epns.info/ Our stocks will only be available for a limited amount of time however, while stocks last or until mid 2014, – so hurry if you want to take advantage of this offer!

    6. New EPNS membership
    We are delighted to have seen so many new members join us this year because we are always looking to welcome new members to our society. Please continue to encourage your colleagues to join us. Bearing in mind the continued attractive fees in 2014, and the limited offer for the above mentioned free publication (except postage and packaging), there has never been a better time to join the EPNS! We now have a new convenient on-line application form on our website http://www.epns.info/
    For more information e-mail: info@epns.info

    7. Read the European Journal of Paediatric Neurology on your mobile device!
    Simply click here to download Elsevier’s HealthAdvance mobile app for your SmartPhone or iPad. Then log in with your registered journal username and password to gain access to full-text articles.
    If you have paid your fee this year but you have not yet registered for on-line access to the Journal, please click here to follow the two simple steps: register and claim your access. Once you activate your access here, you can then use your username and password to log in, and enjoy one-touch, direct access to the Journal from your device.

    Also, please note the following forthcoming meetings which are either already included or in the process of being added to our EPNS website http://www.epns.info/


    This link may be useful to our members, especially for details about the East European Course on Epilepsy - Cheile Gradistei Romania May 2014 and of course, the EPNS Research Meeting of Paediatric Neurology Sept 2014 organised in Bucharest, Romania ,

    BPNA 2014 conference, Winchester, UK 29-31 January 2014 http://www.bpna.org.uk/2014
    The final programme is now available online. Please book your place before Christmas.

    Update in Neuromuscular Disorders 2014, London, UK 17-20 March 2014, http://www.cnmd.ac.uk/seminars_courses_workshops/courses_workshops

    Expert To Expert: Epilepsy, Windsor, 20-21 March 2014 http://www.bpna.org.uk/uploads/pet/13EXPERT-EPILEPSY.pdf specifically designed for Consultant Paediatric Neurologists and final year paediatric neurology trainees. Online booking available now.

    Biennial Congress of the European Society of Paediatric Neurosurgery (ESPN), Rome, Italy 4-7 May 2014, 24th http://www.espncongress2014.org

    Joint Meeting Of The Infantile Seizure Society And The Turkish Child Neurology Association: International symposium on epileptic syndromes of early infancy and childhood (ISES): 23-25 June, 2014 AND The annual Turkish Child Neurology meeting: 26-27 June, 2014. Following our previous announcement, please visit http://www.issjointcnd2014.com for the latest updates

    As ever, please do not hesitate to contact Sue Hargreaves on info@epns.info if you have any queries about your EPNS membership.
