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Az MGYNT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Az EPNS Fellowship ajánlata a fiatal kollégák számára
    [2014.07.01.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    The EPNS is delighted to offer the opportunity for fully paid up EPNS members to apply for an EPNS Fellowship. We will be offering one Fellowship in 2014 and plan more in 2015!

    Closing date for 2014 EPNS Fellowship applications 29 August 2014.

    Purpose of the Fellowship: To create excellence by offering the opportunity for further qualification or experience in an area of paediatric neurology in terms of clinical practice or research.

    Fellowship scope: 3-4 month’s fellowship in a specialised centre.

    Fellowship budget: 3,500 Euros

    Candidate’s criteria:
    1. EPNS membership. Candidate must have been an EPNS member for at least 6 months, with the current year membership fee paid at the date of application.
    2. Specialty. Resident or young specialist of Paediatric Neurology.
    3. Language. Fluent in relevant language.
    How to apply:

    • Complete the Fellowship Application Form which can be downloaded from the EPNS website http://www.epns.info/index.php?c=4&ss=107

    • Send to Sue Hargreaves at info.epns@info together with the following documentation:
    o Local supervisor consent
    o Hosting supervisor consent
    o Cost Calculation
    What happens after an application has been sent?
    • All applications will be considered by the Fellowship Selection Committee members. This Committee consists of 5 representatives from the EPNS Board.
    • All applicants will receive an email to tell them the outcome of their application.
    • The Committee will select a number of candidates to attend an interview. A maximum of 5 candidates will be selected for interview.
    • Interviews will allow the Fellowship Selection Committee members to make the final candidate selection.
    • The interviews for the 2014 Fellowship will be held at the time of the EPNS Research Conference in September 2014 or online (e.g. via Skype call).
    How is the selection made?
    The Application Forms will be assessed using a standardised scoring system along with subjective impression. Each member of the selection committee will separately score each form.

    Please email info.epns@info with any enquiries.
