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A MGYNT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Az EPNS felhívása a jövő évi tagdíjfizetésre
    [2020.11.19.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear member of the EPNS

    We are pleased to announce that as from today you can renew your EPNS membership by paying your EPNS annual membership fee (also known as subscription fee). Below is a summary of the fees and for convenience you can pay your 2021 and 2022 annual membership fee at the same time (combined 2021 & 2022) which gives members an approx. discount of 10% for the ‘online only’ option.

    We know our members are busy people and payments of this nature can easily be forgotten….so why not act now and make your 2021 and 2022 fee payment TODAY?
    Payment can be made by bank transfer or via the EPNS website https://www.epns.info/ by selecting the orange ‘EPNS member login’ button.

    Depending on the fee paid, the EPNS membership fee includes EITHER online only OR printed + online access to the European Journal of Paediatric Neurology (EJPN). The EPNS financial year operates from 1 January until 31 December each year.

    Fee Categories are based on the World Bank gross national income per capita classification of the country where a member currently practices. Here is the list of World Bank Classification 4 high income nations: CLICK HERE

    Please CLICK HERE to see more details about the fees and the payment methods and other useful information.

    If you have any questions about your EPNS membership, please do not hesitate to send Sue Hargreaves, our EPNS Membership Secretary, an email at info@epns.info and she will be very happy to help you.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected how we all work and the EPNS will continue to support its members. We appreciate even more during these times the crucial role we must play in the field of paediatric neurology, not only in research and education, but in advocacy.
    Please take good care and stay safe; we sincerely appreciate your ongoing support.
