> Thank you for your time." /> Térítésmentesen megrendelhető Collin Kennedy 'Principles and Practice of Child Neurology' című könyve
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A MGYNT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Térítésmentesen megrendelhető Collin Kennedy 'Principles and Practice of Child Neurology' című könyve
    [2016.11.18.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Az EPNS kérésre térítésmentesen megküldi Collin Kennedy "Principles and Practice of Child Neurology" című könyvét.
    A Mac Keith Press a 2. kiadásra készülve kérdőívet tett közzé, várva a javaslatokat a változtatásokra.

    Dear members of the EPNS
    Many of you have taken the opportunity to order your free EPNS copy of the Principles and Practice of Child Neurology in Infancy book by Professor Colin Kennedy.
    A second edition of the book is planned. The aim is to amend the content to retain the book’s relevance to clinical practice in Western Europe, Australasia and North America, but also to make it more broadly applicable for resource poor countries.

    To identify how useful this would be, for which countries and what specific amendments would be required, Mac Keith Press, the publishers, would very much welcome your help in completing a questionnaire. Your answers will help to shape the 2nd edition of the book and make it as relevant as possible to clinical practice.
    The questionnaire can be found at the following link and, if possible, should be completed by 2 December 2016:
    https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3K78JS9 >>

    Thank you for your time.
