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Az MKT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    EHRA Online kurzusok
    2020.10.21. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Az Aritmia es Pacemaker Munkacsoport ajánlásával tagjaink figyelmébe ajánljuk a következő EHRA Online kurzusokat!

    Attend courses from wherever you are
     We know you can’t travel, but your professional development still matters.
    That’s why EHRA is now offering its outstanding courses online for experienced physicians in invasive EP and catheter ablation.
    This is a fantastic opportunity to learn from renowned cardiologists, wherever you are.

    Learn more
     EHRA Members benefit from discounts on registration.
    If you're not a member yet, it may be the right time to join.
    26–28 November 
    EHRA Advanced EP with a Focus on AF Ablation 
     Presentation of advanced ablation techniques and technologies. 
     Course director: Prof. Mattias Duytschaever - Co-director: Prof. Philipp Sommer 
    Offers a comprehensive overview on the treatment of AF by catheter ablation with thorough state-of-the-art review in EP and advanced catheter ablation.
    17–19 December 
    EHRA Advanced EP with a Focus on VT Ablation 
     Presentation of advanced mapping, ablation techniques and technologies. 
     Course director: Prof. Katja Zeppenfeld - Co-director: Dr. Marta de Riva Silva
     Focuses on VT, imaging techniques, endo and epicardial access, multipoint mapping, advanced ablation strategies, novel energy sources, cases and complications.
     Our Diversity Is Our Strength 
