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Az MKT hírarchívuma

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  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    EACVI 2020 - Online Kongresszus
    2020.11.23. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Az idei EACVI kongresszus december 11-12-én, digitális formában kerül megrendezésre és a regisztráció ingyenes.

    The EACVI’s commitment to delivering an outstanding learning and networking opportunity for the cardiovascular imaging community remains unchanged. As such, it is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of the most innovative online CV imaging event that we have ever undertaken: ‘EACVI – Best of Imaging 2020’


    The online event will take place on 11 and 12 December and will offer a tailor-made programme for today’s cardiac imaging community, including:
    - Advanced sessions on each imaging modality
    - A patient-centric, multi-modality approach to early diagnosis and patient management
    - The best of imaging, highlighting important recent developments
    - Panel debates with experts commenting live on the presentations
    - Presentation of all accepted abstracts


    Exclusively this year, EACVI – Best of Imaging 2020 will be free of charge. 


    More information:
