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Az MKT hírarchívuma

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  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    Cardiopulmonary Clinical Physiology - PhD Summer School
    2021.07.20. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Date: 24-25 August 2021

    Location: Basic Medical Science Center of Semmelweis University (EOK)

    We kindly invite you to the PhD Summer School 2021.


    Main topic: Cardiopulmonary Clinical Physiology

    Date: 24-25 August 2021

    Location: Basic Medical Science Center of Semmelweis University (EOK)


    This conference is focusing to the pulmonary and cardiac limiting factor of exercise intolerance and new technologies to improve exercise tolerance. The topics are included important factors of exercise intolerance in terms of lung mechanics, peripheral muscle metabolism, reduced oxygen delivery in respiratory and abnormalities in systemic and pulmonary circulation. We are focusing to the international registries as well. Known, successful research groups will present new experimental and clinical data. The scientific committee includes internationally-known speakers, leaders of the European Respiratory Society and European Society of Cardiology, post-leader of the American Thoracic Society, as well as Hungarian experts in specific fields.


    For detailed information please visit the website: pss.kmcongress.com


    We look forward to meeting you this August.

    Dr. János Varga
