A "Bulgarian Bifurcation and Complex Coronary Interventions Course" tizedik, jubileumi konferenciája január 28-30-ig hibrid formában kerül megrendezésre. Az esetbemutatásokban és gyakorlati képzésekben bővelkedő kurzus nemzetközi igazgatója, Robert J. Gil professzor, Társaságunk tiszteletbeli tagja, valamint a bolgár kollégák minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várnak a konferencián, melyen a részvétel ingyenes.

További információ:
Dear colleagues,
The Bulgarian Bifurcation and Complex Coronary Interventions Course started ten years ago as an annual event. The Course’s mission is to enhance the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of health services in the field of Interventional Cardiology in the Balkan countries. This course reviews the latest approaches to the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions focusing on important theoretical, but mainly very practical topics in interventional therapy for coronary bifurcation stenosis. The program includes interesting live cases and discussions as well as hands-on sessions.
Traditionally the Course gathers most prominent European and world experts in interventional cardiology as faculty and around 120 participants: young cardiologists and doctors from Bulgaria and neighboring countries.
The focus of the 2022 edition will be A decade in review. Our highly distinguished International faculty will reflect upon the progress of the medicine in the field of bifurcation lesions in the last 10 years, weigh in on the decade’s most significant advances and posit what may be on the horizon.
The 10th Jubilee Bulgarian Bifurcation and Complex Coronary Interventional Course will be held virtually and in-person as a hybrid event. No registration fees will be applicable.
We would be grateful if you could share information about the event on your website so that more colleagues have the opportunity to attend. In addition, in case you consider your members might be interested, we would be glad if you invite them to join us.
Information for the event is be available here: https://cmebg.com/en/sabitia/bbc2022/
Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Sincerely yours,
Yves Louvard MD Honorable Course Director
| Robert J. Gil MD, PhD International Course Director
| |
Dobrin Vassilev MD, PhD Course Co-Director | Vassil Velchev MD, PhD Course Co-Director | Valery Gelev MD, PhD Course Co-Director |