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    Laudáció Norman Silverman Professzor (USA) – a kongenitális szívbetegségek non-invazív diagnosztikájában elismert gyermekkardiológus tiszteletére
    2011.05.14. - MKT, Dr. Mogyorósy Gábor PhD - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dr. Mogyorósy Gábor PhD, és Professor Norman SilvermanDear colleagues,
    It is my honor to introduce you an outstanding colleague, charismatic teacher and successful researcher from the other side of the Atlantic. Professor Norman Silverman is well known not only by the American pediatric cardiologist community but by pediatricians and cardiologists involved in the treatment of children with heart disease all over the world.

    His name closely connected to pediatric echocardiography and fetal cardiology. His book “Pediatric echocardiography” has been the key source of knowledge for every young trainee in pediatric echocardiography as well as trainers and clinicians. Moreover, he is the co-author of several fetal cardiology books serving young and experienced fetal echo cardiographers.

    The medical carrier of Professor Silverman started in South Africa. After completing his basic pediatric training he moved to California and held academic positions at the Stanford University and at the University of California in San Francisco. Since 2002 he has been professor of pediatrics at Stanford University Medical Center.

    Professor Silverman’s scientific research activity has been focused on pediatric cardiac ultrasound and fetal cardiology. He has been involved in the research of 3D echocardiography since 1994 and is still very active in this field.
    He is a distinguished scholar, published 224 Peer Reviewed Articles and 42 book chapters.
    In Europe he is known not only through his papers and books but he is a regularly invited lecturer of Parma Echo Meeting also attended by Hungarian pediatric cardiologists.
    Many of Hungarian cardiologists and pediatricians enjoyed and benefited from his teaching activity in Budapest in 2007. He was one of the outstanding experts whose education had a lasting effect on Hungarian pediatric cardiology.
    On behalf of the Hungarian pediatric cardiologist I would like to express our pleasure and congratulations on the occasion that you have become the honorary member of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology.
