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    Laudáció Walter Paulus (Hollandia) – a myocardialis struktúra szívelégtelenség kialakulása során történő változásainak kutatója tiszteletére
    2011.06.17. - MKT, Prof. Dr. Édes István - Hírkategória: Általános
    Professor Walter J. Paulus is the associate director of Cardiovascular Center of the O.L.V. Ziekenhuis, Aalst, Belgium and the Professor of Physiology at the Free University Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He was born in Morstel, Belgium in 1952. He graduated in Medicine in 1977 and obtained his PhD degree at the University of Antwerp, Belgium in 1984 with a posdoctoral thesis entitled “Disturbed cardiac muscle inactivation in pacing-induced angina and in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”. During his postdoctoral training period he worked as a clinical and research fellow in cardiology in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston.Thereafter, he continued his clinical fellowship at the University of Antwerp. After two years of military service as a medical lieutenant in the Brussels Military Hospital he became the associate director of the Cardiovascular Center in Aalst, Belgium in 1983.
    His main interest in cardiovascular research was focused on the nitrogen monoxide-mediated modulation of myocardial function, on cytokine activation in heart failure and on the pathophysiology and diagnosis of diastolic heart failure. Due to his talent, enormous strength and creativity he published his results in top quality journals. Professor Paulus gave several invited lectures related to these topics on prestigious national and international conferences all over the world, including Japan, Australia, South Africa, USA, Italy and Sweden. In the past two decades Professor Paulus also actively participated in several professional societies: he was the board member and the chairman of the Working Group on Myocardial Function and Heart Failure between 1997 and 2004, the chairman of the Committee on Heart Failure with Normal Ejection Fraction of the Heart Failure Association from 2005 and the board member of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology from 2004 until 2010. He is a regular reviewer and member of editorial boards in several leading cardiovascular journals (e.g. Circulation, Circulation Heart Failure, Circulation Research, American Journal of Cardiology, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Heart, European Heart Journal, European Journal of Heart Failure, Hypertension and Basic Research in Cardiology). Professor Paulus is the coordinator of the large scale integrating project (FP-7 Programme Health 2010) entitled: The MEtabolic road to DIAstolic heart failure (MEDIA), which aims to identify, how metabolic derangements contribute to diastolic heart failure, how diagnostic algorithms for diastolic heart failure can be improved by assessing metabolic risk and how correction of metabolic risk can open new therapeutic perspectives for this important disease.
    The Department of Cardiology at the University of Debrecen has already a long-term and fruitful collaboration with the Department for Physiology at the Free University Medical Center Amsterdam. In the past twenty years several Hungarian medical and PhD students participated successfully in the experimental work in the Dutch department in the framework of the Marie-Curie Fellowship Program and the Basic Research Fellowship Grant of the European Society of Cardiology. They all had very positive professional and personal experiences in that creative, supporting and familiar environment during their research period. The generous and continuous support of Professor Paulus is highly appreciated.

    The title of his lecture: „Diastolic heart failure: from pathophysiological curiosity to pandemia”
