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    SFRR Europe meeting - Europai Szabadgyökös konferencia Budapesten
    2015.02.16. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Dear Friends and Colleagues,
    As a chairman of the SFRR Europe meeting I would like to cordiallyinvite you to the forthcoming annual meeting of the society, which is being held in Budapest, Hungary from June 9-11, 2016. One of the aims of this meeting is to offer opportunities to scientists and medical-health professionals to present their most recent research.
    Budapest is one of the most exciting, vibrant capitals in Europe. Budapest was originally made up by the amalgamation of three smaller cities, Buda, the hilly section overlooking the Danube River, Obuda (ancient city from the Roman Empire) and Pest, which is on the east bank of the Danube. Budapest is known as the Queen of the Danube, and the beauty of this city attracts nearly 4.5 million visitors each year. Budapest is in the center of Europe with easy access to most European cities. Budapest is the 6th most popular city in Europe for tourists according toEuromonitor. This city has an historical core, which has been designated as a world heritage site, and the Pest side has a pulsating youthful night life with unique open air pubs, restaurants and bars. You can enjoy galleries, concerts or just enjoy dinner on the beautiful banks of the Danube.

    The venue for the conference is on the Buda side, at the Hungarian University of Physical Education, (HUPE), which is only a 5-10 minute walk from several three and four star hotels.  The center of the city is just a 20 minute walk awayor five minutes by public transport.

    World leading scientists will take part in this meeting, offering an excellent opportunity to medical and health professionals to exchanges ideas and get updated in the exciting field of free radical research and free radical associated diseases. 

    The meeting has been set up and organized by the International Scientific Committee and the local Organizing Committee representing SFRRE/SFRBM.

    We will do our very best to present a very exciting, unforgettable SFRRE meeting for you, in one of the most beautiful, vibrant cities in Europe.

    Zsolt RADAK, PhD Chair of SFRRE-2016

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)

    Society of Free Radical Research-Europe 2016 Meeting Budapest, Hungary 
     2015.02.16. 0,263 Mb
