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Az MKT hírarchívuma

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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    13th International Dead Sea Symposium (IDSS) on Innovations in Cardiac Arrhythmias and Device Therapy
    2015.09.10. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános
    Rendezvény kezdete: 2016.03.06. 
    Rendezvény vége: 2016.03.09.
    Helyszín:Israel, Tel-Aviv
    Forrás: Wikipedia
    A rendezvény weboldala: http://idss-ep.com/

    Following the tremendous success of the last IDSS which was attended by more than 800 participants from 38 countries, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 13th International Dead Sea Symposium (IDSS) on Innovations in Technology, Treatment & Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmias, scheduled for March 6-9, 2016
    This biannual international symposium has been held in Israel since 1992, and contributes to making our country one of the leaders in innovative electrophysiology. 
    The 2016 symposium will focus broadly on emerging technology and therapies and will comprise all phases of the innovation process, e.g. ongoing or recently completed studies on devices, ablation, and mapping. This approach will facilitate comprehensive exposure to medical device and biotechnology innovations. 
    The International Program Committee in close collaboration with leading scientific societies are preparing a stimulating, multidisciplinary scientific program for professionals in all disciplines of arrhythmia: electrophysiologists, clinical cardiologists and internists, for physicians working in sport medicine and family physicians, an innovative scientists, biomedical engineers, entrepreneurs and the industry. 
    The meeting will commence with a full day of workshops and mini-courses on ECG, CRT, AF & VT ablation and cardiac anatomy – a unique opportunity to learn and practice how to. 
    It will continue with a two day conference focusing on the use advance technology and therapies intended to save hearts and lives. The program will highlight numerous hot topics on basic, pediatric and adult electrophysiology, including multidisciplinary approaches in treatment of AF, HF and prevention of sudden cardiac death. 
    These themes will be discussed in sessions and satellite symposia and will include presentations from international and Israeli experts focusing on new therapies and various stages of research, combined with live presentations to emphasize the impact of novel technologies on current and future therapy – especially the future of ablative interventions and the many innovations under investigation for treating cardiac arrhythmias using various mapping techniques or combined surgical and interventional pathways. 
    Traditionally, the IDSS program will also comprise workshop designed for nurses and technicians working in pacing, EP and cardiac care units. 
    The 13th IDSS will be held in the elegant and picturesque venue of the David InterContinental Hotel & Convention Center, Tel Aviv
    We look forward to the pleasure of hosting you at what promises to be an exciting and fruitful meeting of a high scientific standard.

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