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A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága szakmai partnerei


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AstraZeneca BAYER egis Lilly Medtronic Teva Sandoz Novo

Az MKT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    8th International Course on Carotid Angioplasty and other Cerebrovascular Interventions
    2008.08.05. - MKT - Hírkategória: Rendezvények
    This course addresses physicians involved in the prevention and treatment of stroke, including neurologists, radiologists, neuroradiologists, vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons and cardiologists. It will give an overview of the latest developments in interventional techniques to treat atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease and acute ischemic or embolic stroke.

    This congress will be accredited by EBAC and the German Cardiac Society
    Place and date: December 3 - 6, 2008 Frankfurt, Germany
    More information >>
    Congress Topics ICCA 2008
    - What is the Best Stent for the Carotids?
    - How to Select the Best Embolic Protection Device
    - Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: To Treat or to Wait Until They are Symptomatic?
    - Vulnerable Plaque: Does it Tell us who Needs Which Treatment?
    - New Trends in Vertebral Stenting
    - How to Recanalize the Subclavian Artery
    - A new Frontier: Intracranial Stents
    - Cerebral Aneurysms
    - How to Build an Acute Stroke Program
    - How to Manage Complications in the Cath-lab
