Lejárt a biztonsági időkorlát.
Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:

A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága szakmai partnerei


gyógyszeripari információk

AstraZeneca BAYER egis Lilly Medtronic Teva Sandoz Novo

Az MKT hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    ESC Young: happy! grants, call, results elections SoT, mentorings
    2019.01.28. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    You are receiving this email as the leader of your young group.

    You will find some useful information to help you in your career and to share with your peers.

    Happy new year!

    ESC Grants: last week to apply!

    The applications for 2019 ESC Grants will close on 31 January 2019 and are available for applicants under 40.

    For more information, please contact: escgrants@escardio.org


    Call for Applications for the Excellent Paper in Cardiovascular Research Award 2019

    The ERA-CVD partner countries are issuing the second Excellent Paper in Cardiovascular research Award (EPCA) to recognize the most remarkable and outstanding scientific publications by young researchers in the field of cardiovascular research.

    Eligibility: First authors of candidate publications published between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018 from CVD partner countries

    Prize: Award of 3 000 Euros + invitation as a special ERA-CVD Young Investigator guest to the ESC Congress 2019 (31 August-4 September 2019, Paris, France).

    Deadline: 1 March 2019


    Results for the elections of 2 Scientists of Tomorrow nucleus members 

    Congratulations to Dr Sveva Bollini and Dr Mahmoud Abdellatif who have been elected in the nucleus of the ESC Scientists of Tomorrow.

    Many thanks for those who applied!


    Speed mentoring sessions soon to open

    The applications for the speed mentoring sessions (interviews face to face with renowned experts) are about to open for:

    -         EHRA 2019 (17-19 March 2019, Lisbon, Portugal)

    -         EuroPrevent 2019 (11-13 April 2019, Lisbon, Portugal)

    -         EuroCMR 2019 (02-04 May 2019, Venice, Italy)

    -         EuroHeartCare 2019 (02-04 May 2019, Milan, Italy)

    -         ICNC 2019 (12-14 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal)

    -         HeartFailure 2019 (25-28 May, Athens, Greece)

    I will send you the links and the deadlines very soon so you and your peers can benefit from this initiative.


    New mailbox

    As our Young Community is growing bigger with 12 young groups, your dedicated mailbox is now: young@escardio.org


    Update your information

    If you are no longer the leader of your national group, please let us know. You can also update your information via this eform.



    Which renowned cardiologist would you like to meet face-to-face?

    What topics would you like to discuss with young cardiologists from other countries?



    I will be glad to receive feedback or help you in the promotion of your activities!



    Your ESC Young Community Coordinator

    Contact: young@escardio.org
