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    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    Call for EAPC Young Ambassadors 2020-2022
    2020.05.08. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    On behalf of the EAPC leadership and the EAPC Young Community Core Group, we would like to inform you that the Call for Candidates for 2020-2022 Young Ambassadors is now open.

    Ambassadors represent the EAPC Young Community in their respective countries and are the main point of contact for healthcare professionals in preventive cardiology in their country.

    In addition to expanding the community of young researchers in the field of preventive cardiology, Young Ambassadors communicate the needs and interests of their national peers with the EAPC.

    They also help spread the word about EAPC initiatives and scientific activities at the national level.


    We would be very grateful if you could help us in promoting this call within your network.


    Dr Afzal Sohaib, Chair of the ESC Board Committee for Young Cardiovascular Professionals
