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Az MKT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
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    Discover the ESC
    2020.11.17. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    The European Society of Cardiology is the world’s largest organisation of healthcare professionals dedicated to fighting heart disease.

    It helps more than 100,000 clinicians, scientists, nurses and allied professionals expand the boundaries of cardiovascular medicine.

    The ESC publishes scientific journals, an array of textbooks and world-renowned ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines. It provides continuing medical education through webinars and classroom courses and hosts the summit of cardiovascular science each August – ESC Congress.

    Take the next step in your career

    If you believe in the ESC and everything we stand for, take a step further and support our mission by becoming an ESC Professional Member. You’ll also get access to an array of benefits to enhance your career – from networking opportunities and the latest scientific resources on ESC 365, the online cardiovascular library – to webinars, online ESC journals and much more.


    Find out more about ESC Professional Membership 

    Special rates apply to under 40 and in training, nurses and allied professionals
