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Felhasználó név:

A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága szakmai partnerei


gyógyszeripari információk

AstraZeneca BAYER egis Lilly Medtronic Teva Sandoz Novo

Az MKT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    V. East Bohemia Stress Echocardiography On-Line Course
    2024.05.16. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Date: 4th October 2024

    Dear colleagues,

    Stress echocardiography plays important role not only in investigation of patients with known or suspected ischaemic heart disease, but also in valvular and structural heart disease. It benefits from being low cost and radiation-free method with high accuracy, which can be performed with minimal additional staffing or technical requirements.

    The on-line course objective is to familiarise participants with the basic principles of the common stress echocardiography modalities and investigations in various indications. The course programme reflects the new EACVI consensus paper on stress echocardiography published early this year. It is designed mainly for cardiologists and echocardiographers who are interested in stress echocardiography and want to set up or further develop their service. The lectures are accompanied by an illustrative case reports and will be available on demand for review to all the registered participants after the course.

    We are looking forward to meeting you on-line in October 2024!
    Dr Karel Medilek FRCP
    Course director

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)

    V. East Bohemia Stress Echocardiography On-Line Course - Flyer 
     2024.05.16. 3,016 Mb
