Kérjük fogadják szeretettel a University Padova orvosa, a Semmelweis Egyetem PhD hallgatója, Dr. Francesca Graziano bemutatkozását és programjának prezentációját, aki a Magyar Kardiológusok Társaságát képviseli Fiatal Nagyköveteként az ESC Preventív Kardiológiai Társaságában (EAPC).
Prof. Dr. Becker Dávid

Join the EAPC Community!
The European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC) offers unique opportunities for healthcare professionals interested in cardiovascular prevention. As part of the EAPC Community, members can benefit from networking events, educational programs, career development initiatives, and participation in cutting-edge scientific discussions.
As the Young Ambassador for Hungary, I am available to support colleagues interested in learning more about these opportunities and participating in the upcoming ESC Preventive Cardiology 2025 Congress in Milan.
Discover more in the attached slides, and feel free to contact me for further details!
Dr. Francesca Graziano
Young Ambassador for Hungary, EAPC
email: e.francescagraziano@gmail.com