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Felhasználó név:

A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága szakmai partnerei


gyógyszeripari információk

AstraZeneca BAYER egis Lilly Medtronic Teva Sandoz Novo

Az MKT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Lektor állás a Moravia IT in Life Sciences-nél
    2015.04.02. - MKT - Hírkategória: Általános
    A Moravia IT in Life Sciences Department lektort keres kardiológia témájú fordításaihoz. A lektorálandó fordításokat magyar és angol nyelveken kellene összevetni. Érdeklődni Pavla Pavelkova-nál lehet emailen vagy telefonon.
    Elérhetősége: Pavla Pavelkova | Account Partner Manager
    Moravia IT a.s., Hilleho 4, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    T: +420-545-552-174 | M: +420-731-532-459
    PPavelkova@moravia.com | moravia.com | Skype: pavla.pavelkova3

    A hirdetés részletit itt találja: 

    We as Life Sciences division also work on cardiology projects for world leading medical devices manufacturers. We do translations of their manuals and other documentations. In order to maintain top quality of our products, we do linguistic and medical reviews.

    At the moment we need to expand our team of Hungarian MD Cardiology reviewers. 

    At the moment we are looking for a professional in cardiology, who is familiar with the terminology related to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) devices, pacemakers, implantable devices, electrophysiology catheters, mapping and visualization systems, vascular closure devices, heart valve replacement and repair products, etc.

    To perform the medical review for us, you would only need working PC, excel installed, internet access and bank account. The documentation would be delivered to you after the translation and linguistic review in the form of excel spread sheet. There are two files (source English – you need to be able to perfectly understand) and target (Hungarian). You would read through the files to ensure there is no errors or possibly misleading statements. The linguistic quality is ensured by top Hungarian medical translators. Therefore there is usually very few mistakes/issues spotted in the files by our medical reviewers.

    Our requirements are very basic, MD, experience in Cardiology, perfect understanding of English, native in Hungarian. Experience with medical documentation reviews is welcome. 

    We offer interesting payment for this tasks and staying tuned with new Cardiology devices and technologies coming into the Hungarian market.
