Dear Chair of NCS young group,
On behalf of Professor Stephan Achenbach and Dr Isabelle Lordereau, co-chairs of the CRT, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the first Webinar of the ESC Cardiovascular Round Table (*),
organized on 25-26 June, on the theme:
“COVID-19 and CV Medicine: An Integrated View of Healthcare, Research and Innovation”.
As the impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic continues to rapidly evolve , the CRT Nucleus felt it timely to regroup the three areas of scientific expertise and experience from across the ESC, the European Medicines Agency and Industry to reflect on how COVID-19 is influencing cardiovascular research and clinical practice, as well as how we need to adapt to new constraints.
The webinar will take place in two sessions of 1.5 hours each, comprising 10 minute presentations followed by 10 minutes for discussion among participants.
The draft programme is attached.
The live webinar will be accessible via the dedicated page below (which will be valid for the 2 days/sessions) and you will be prompted for your name, institution and email address, which will enable us to secure access as well as
collect feedback and suggestions after the meeting:
We hope you will be interested in participating in these discussions and would be most grateful if you would let us know, by 19 June, if you plan to participate, in order to have a first estimate of the number of attendees.
Please do not hesitate to share around you.