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A Magyar Kardiológusok Társasága szakmai partnerei


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"The main goal of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology is to help those - within or outside the Society - who wish to participate in the struggle against cardiovascular diseases and in the development of Hungarian cardiology"


Szabó József Str. 12
H-1146 Budapest HUNGARY
Phone/fax: +36-1-461-0665
E-mail: info@mkardio.org
Web: www.mkardio.hu

Ms. Tünde Czétényi
International Relations Manager
Phone: +36 20 670 1042
E-mail: tunde.czetenyi@mkardio.hu

Dávid Becker




Dávid Becker

László Gellér

President Elect

President Elect

Zoltán Járai

Zoltán Járai

Secretary General

Secretary General


The Hungarian Society of Cardiology was founded in 1966 and today it has more than 4000 members.
The main goal of the Hungarian Society of Cardiology is to help those – within or outside the Society – who wish to participate in the struggle against cardiovascular diseases and in the development of Hungarian cardiology. Among the responsibilities of the Society is to ensure up-to-date approach and practice within the field of cardiology, to review and implement the international and national scientific results in everyday practice, and to support high-quality education and the training of cardiologists. The Hungarian Society of Cardiology provides guidelines for practicing physicians concerning diagnostic methods and treatment algorithms.
The Society has twenty-three working groups specialized at the different areas of cardiology. Cardiologia Hungarica, the scientific journal of the Society appears quarterly in 3000 exemplaries.
The Society cooperates with such international organizations as the European Society of Cardiology, the World Heart Federation and the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes (UEMS) and participates in their campaigns at a national level. The World Heart Day is organized every September in Hungary as the Society joined the initiative in the first year of its birth.


  • Gyula PAPP Honorary Life-President
  • Csanádi Zoltán Past President
  • Tamás Habon Vice President
  • Zoltán Papp Vice President
  • Hajnalka Vágó Budapest Secretary
  • Zoltán Ruzsa Country Secretary
  • Endre Zima Notary
  • Noémi Nyolczas Controller
  • Róbert Gábor Kiss Editor in Chief of Cardiologia Hungarica
  • Hedvig Takács President of the Committee of Young Hungarian Cardiologists
  • Róbert Halmosi President of the Scientific Committee
  • István Hartyánszky President of the Hungarian Society of Cardiac Surgery
  • László Környei President of the Section of Pediatric Cardiology
  • Dávid Becker President of the Hungarian National Heart Foundation
  • Erzsébet Szabó President of the Section of Transborder Hungarian Cardiologists